Our Pastor Welcomes You!
We are honored that you have chosen to worship with us this day and trust that by God’s Grace, that you found the experience spiritually uplifting and enjoyable. We endeavor to teach, preach and live the gospel, so that all may know Christ.
We are a family centered Church, comprised of persons who have long historical ties to Calvert County and some who are newer to our community. You will find that we blend both traditional and contemporary practices in our worship experience. Our music varies from the old hymns to the latest in today’s new age gospel.

We are a Church of growing ministries. We have had a focus on women’s wellness in the past year. Our youth ministries are expanding with plans for a partnership with the local school, mentoring and tutoring. We have a men’s group that is active in community service and provides strong support of our Church. Our youth music and art ministry is expanding. We are members of End Hunger Calvert. We have opened a pantry and supply food and household products to those who can benefit from such. We actively move beyond our walls and render services in the nursing homes and support other Churches. Our Christian Education ministry offers two sessions a week and is preparing to offer bible study in the shelter.
We are a growing and evolving Church with room for expansion and hearts and minds open to new members. Should you seek a place to nurture your spirit and develop your faith journey, we would love to have you join us. We preach Christ and his Resurrection. Mt. Olive is a point of Zion that labors to allow persons to grow in faith and be led by the Holy Spirit. We worship and minister; Jesus does the transforming!
Come again. Make yourself at home. This is God’s Church! We would love to sojourner with you to build the Kingdom of God and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transforming of the world.
Be Blessed!
With Hope in Christ
Pastor Dana M. Jones

Our History
Mt. Olive Methodist Episcopal Church began as a worshiping congregation in 1906. Having grown frustrated at having to occupy the worship space reserved for “colored” in the white churches, a group of Black men signed a deed to a property to be used as worship space for African Americans. They annexed a pulpit area to the one-room building and worshiped there, at 811 Dares Beach Road, for many years. In 1977 a much improved sanctuary was built and consecrated during the leadership of the late Rev. Andrew Johnson.

As the church grew, the vision of a new church began in 1993 as parishioners expressed their desire for space to accommodate a variety of church related programs and activities. By November 2004, it became apparent that a new facility was needed as more church and community functions were envisioned. Members of the church congregation were motivated and committed to pursue their vision. Convinced that the cause was right and that God would see them through, the members of the building committee worked faithfully and prayerfully to promote the building of a new sanctuary.

The building project was completed in August 2005, under the leadership of Rev. Robert L. Conway. The new Mt. Olive United Methodist Church, located at 10 Fairground Road, supports a larger worshiping congregation, expanded Sunday School space, and a Fellowship Hall. It hosts non-profit community groups and graciously welcomes visitors and guests to worship services and Bible study opportunities. The “old church”, or The Worship Center, is being upgraded to allow ministry to flow in a variety of new ways that will also include support for community outreach activities.